How a Tulsa Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

If you have recently been involved in a car accident and sustained a personal injury, obtaining an attorney from a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases is highly advisable. With an attorney who understands how to pursue a personal injury case, improve your chances of receiving compensation and having the case ruled in your favor. Before choosing an attorney and law firm that is right for your case, it is important to understand the benefits of doing so and how to hire an attorney who has your best interests at heart.

Car Accident Statistics

In 2012, more than 2.5 million Americans visited the emergency room after being involved in a car accident, resulting in more than 200,0000 hospitalizations. This staggering number lead to more than $18 billion dollars in medical bills over a lifetime for all of those involved in an auto accident. While not all cases are the same, it is important to understand your rights to receive compensation if you are involved in a car accident that is no fault of your own.

How Tulsa Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

Hiring a personal injury attorney or seeking out a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases is essential for the best representation possible in a court of law. Attorneys are not only helpful while preparing your case and filing the proper paperwork for an upcoming court date, but they are also willing to speak on your behalf. Individuals who choose to hire an attorney to represent them in court are often viewed more seriously as they have taken the time and effort to seek legal counsel for the issue at hand. While an attorney from a law firm that specializes in personal injury clients can help with presenting your case to a judge or jury, they also have additional benefits and advantages once you choose to hire them and pay their retainer fee.

If your case appears that it is going to be ruled strongly in your favor, there is also an opportunity to work with a law firm or an attorney who is willing to take your case on with a contingency in place. An attorney who is willing to take on a client based on a contingency agreement will often require a set amount of money or a percentage of the amount of compensation you are rewarded once the case is ruled in your favor.

Insurance Disputes and Potential Issues

A law firm with experience in personal injury cases is capable of assisting with insurance disputes and potential issues you may face with your case, depending on surrounding circumstances. After you are involved in an auto accident, there is a chance that your insurance company will delay payouts to you, even if the accident was not your fault. With a personal injury attorney, allow them to take control over the direction of your case as they connect and communicate with your current insurance provider and the insurance company of any other drivers that were also involved in the car accident you were involved in.

An attorney from a law firm that understands personal injury cases is well-versed in the proper steps to take when speaking and negotiating with insurance companies, providing them with an advantage over an individual contacting them without legal representation. Your attorney is likely to request all of your insurance records and any documentation that proves you currently have a valid insurance policy in place. They will also conduct any necessary research into the other drivers involved in the accident with you to ensure they are properly covered by their own insurance policies.

If the other driver who was involved in the accident that caused you to sustain a personal injury does not currently have an active insurance policy, it may be possible to pursue a personal lawsuit depending on the individual’s assets and their ability to pay you back to cover your current medical bills and any loss of work you have endured due to your personal injury accident.

Medical Bills

Working together with a law firm who understands personal injury cases is highly recommended if you have received medical bills from a hospital after an auto accident that was not your fault personally. With the right law firm, work together with an attorney who will reach out to hospitals and doctor offices along with insurance providers of other drivers who are technically responsible for handling any medical bills you receive.

Collecting medical records and bills that pertain to the personal injury you have sustained is also done by the law firm or lawyer you choose to hire to help with handling your case. Once you have all of your medical records in place and proof of your insurance policy at the time of your car accident, your attorney is able to move forward with pursuing answers from your insurance provider itself. Additionally, your lawyer will work towards ensuring your medical bills that are related to your personal injury are sent to the insurance company of the driver who is responsible for the accident altogether.

Filing Legal Paperwork

After you sustain a personal injury, contact a law firm to help with filing the proper paperwork for your case, especially if the accident was not caused by you. Attorneys who specialize in personal injury cases know which paperwork should be filed first and can do so in a timely manner as they often spend time in court and working together in legal environments.

Filing the proper paperwork is a must whether you are currently seeking financial compensation for your medical bills due to your personal injury or if you require assistance with contacting the insurance provider you currently have protecting your vehicle. When your vehicle has sustained serious (or non-serious) damage, it is imperative to contact your insurance provider as quickly as possible to file the proper claim.

Gathering Evidence

After you have been involved in a car accident and you are recovering from your injuries, you may find it difficult or nearly impossible to gather the necessary evidence to move forward with your case. Hiring a lawyer is a way to help protect yourself by allowing them to obtain the evidence you need to move forward with your case. An attorney will take the time to request medical records, traffic camera recordings, and even witness statements if available depending on where the accident occurred and when. Additionally, your lawyer is also capable of obtaining insurance information from both your vehicle and medical insurance providers as well as the insurance providers of anyone else who was also involved in the accident, especially if they are at fault.

Expediting Your Court Date

Waiting on a court date can quickly become inconvenient, especially if you are currently out of work or unable to go back to work due to the injuries you have sustained in your auto accident. Attorneys are extremely efficient when it comes to filing the proper paperwork and discussing individual cases with judges and those who work in the court system.

In some cases, it may be possible to expedite your case, especially if you are in dire need of financial assistance or a ruling to determine your future without putting your home, family, or assets at risk. When meeting with a prospective attorney, be sure to inquire about the possibility of expediting your case to avoid waiting months before you are able to see a judge or to have your case presented in front of a jury.

Connecting With Contacts in the Court System

Many attorneys who are familiar with your local court system are well-connected and have worked with multiple lawyers and judges in your district or region. Hiring a well-connected lawyer who is not only experienced, but also well-known is another way to improve your chances of expediting your case and having the case ruled in your favor. A lawyer may reach out to prosecuting or defense attorneys to discuss the issues of your case and to potentially come to an agreement, even before going in front of a judge or jury. Discuss all of your options with the lawyer you choose to hire to ensure you are both on the same page before you attorney gets to work.

Finding the Best Tulsa Personal Injury Attorney or Law Firm

When you are searching for the best personal injury law firm or lawyer, there are a few ways to go about doing so to ensure you are making the right decision. Some of the ways to find the best law firm or attorney to represent you after a car accident include:

  • Research Reviews and Client Testimonials: Always take the time to research real reviews and testimonials from clients who have worked with personal injury attorneys in your area. Reviews and testimonials provide in-depth insight into the overall effectiveness of lawyers at law firms you are interested in retaining.
  • Referrals and Recommendations: Ask close friends, family members, and even colleagues for referrals and recommendations to lawyers who are right for your case. Seek out advice from those who have experience in law to ensure you hire a lawyer who is truly dedicated to their job and properly representing their clients.
  • Consultations: When searching for the right lawyer, schedule a consultation to get to know more about their methods and their past experience in the courtroom. Most lawyers are willing to provide a free consultation for new clients and clients who have been involved in a car accident that resulted in a personal injury.
  • Share Records and Evidence: During your consultation with a prospective lawyer, share records and evidence you feel comfortable with to learn more about the lawyer’s own opinions on your case. An attorney is capable of determining whether or not a personal injury claim is valid and the chances of having the case ruled in their client’s favor fairly quickly in most cases. The more evidence and records you have available to share during your consultation, the easier it is to choose the lawyer that is right for your case.
  • Compare Outlooks and Strategies: Inquire about your prospective attorney’s outlook regarding your case and the strategies they have in mind for the best outcome possible. Share your thoughts and opinions with them to learn more about their own responses and professional experience in the area before making a decision.
  • Personal Connection: Whenever you have a big lawsuit that involves injuries, medical bills, and evidence surrounding the case, it is important to have a positive connection with your lawyer. Seek out an attorney who allows you to feel comfortable and one that is willing to listen you throughout your entire case until it is over.

Pro Bono VS. Contingencies VS. Paid

Anytime you are in need of an attorney, it is important to consider your options. While some lawyers require full payments upfront and on a monthly basis, others may be more open to the idea of working with a contingency in place. If you have had serious life-threatening or disabling injuries, you are more likely to find an attorney who is willing to take on your case pro bono or with a contingency agreement. Be sure to meet with multiple attorneys for a consultation to determine which is the best fit for your own personality and what you are interested in getting out of your case once it is over.

Having an attorney from a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases is one way to gain peace of mind when you are seeking compensation for your injuries and moving forward with your case. After hiring the right attorney, learn more about your case and the options you have available before pursuing compensation, reaching out to your insurance company, or paying off medical bills that pertain to your car accident. With the right representation in court, increase your odds of a ruling in your favor to receive the compensation you need to pay off medical bills and resume life as normal

An aggressive personal injury attorney in Tulsa can build a solid personal injury case for you, countering any attempt by the defendants to avoid taking responsibility for your injuries and damages. Always choose a personal injury attorney with a long track record of excellent results for their clients.

Gorospe Law Group - Tulsa Personal Injury Lawyers and Attorneys Law Firm

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