Avoiding Injury, DUI and Injury in the Summer Season

Summer time is here which means an increase in risks and risky behavior. Every summer, chances for personal injury heighten with the increase in seasonal activities.

With more cars on the road in the summer season, car accidents are on the rise. More cars means more car accidents, pedestrian accidents, hit and runs and of course more drunk driving incidents. Motor vehicle accidents are the main cause for visits to the Emergency Room statistically.

Personal injury and accidents occurring around recreational activity are also very high this time of year. The summer season brings out the boaters and lake crowds increasing the number of people not only on the water, but traveling to and from the lake. Drives home from the water activities often involve drinking and driving and this is the cause for many motor vehicle accidents and DUI offenses.

Other summer related recreational activity can include ATV operation or off-road vehicles, parks and playgrounds and sporting activities at home. Children are especially at risk of personal injury as summer brings a time of joy, travel and high energy.

5 habits to decrease your chances of risk to personal injury or jail time:

  1. Don’t drink and drive!
    The risks you take while driving intoxicated can provide devastating results. Jail, loss of employment, medical bills, causing others harm, injury or death are realities. Don’t be a statistic.
  2. All actions are accountable.
    Regardless of blood alcohol level, knowledge of the law or misadventure remember, no day or night of fun is worth your or other’s futures.
  3. Safety when possible or applicable.
    Always wear your seat-belts and practice increased awareness of others when driving, boating or in the presence of others that are depending on your guardianship.
  4. Friends favor a friend’s favors.
    A tongue twister for sure but none the less true. If you see someone engaging in behavior or activities that could endanger them or others, take action. Talk to the person or in hazardous situations, call the Police.
  5. Make sure your children know the risks.
    Talk with your children about the increased risks and dangers involved with summer activities in parks, playgrounds or while riding their bikes in high traffic areas.

The Gorospe Law Group want to wish everyone a safe and memorable summer from our families to yours. Our Tulsa legal staff know how quick the perfect day can turn in to a trip to the emergency room or worse. At the law offices of Gorospe Law Group our Tulsa attorneys deal with these incidents every day and we provide Tulsa legal services to help you and your family in your time of need. If you find yourself in a situation this summer where someone else’s negligence caused injury to you or a loved one call the Gorospe Law Group for a free initial consultation. Everybody needs a good Tulsa lawyer at one time or another and we are here offering you Tulsa legal aid with over 16 years of experience in personal injury law, child injury law, Tulsa dui offenses, slip and fall accidents, motorcycle accidents, car accidents and boating accidents.

The attorneys at the Gorospe Law Group are experienced Tulsa lawyers with the integrity and resolve to stand by fellow Tulsans through the demanding times.

Existing & New Clients! Schedule a phone conference, virtual meeting, or in-person consultation (office or on-site visit). Call (918) 582-7775 or click here.