Insurance Claims: Better to Hire an Attorney or Go it Alone? Request A Free Consulation

Following a car accident or if you’ve been involved in a personal injury, it’s critical that you file an insurance claim immediately. An insurance company may reimburse you with the costs associated with your medical expenses, repairs, and other costs. For example, these benefits could pay for the replacement or repairs of a vehicle following a car accident.

You may also be able to replace lost wages if you must undergo recovery if you’ve been involved in a personal injury. Many believe it’s as simple as filling out the insurance claims without help, but there are many reasons why it could benefit you to hire an attorney to set up an insurance defense case and provide you with assistance.

How Will an Attorney Help?

The first thing you can expect when reaching out to an attorney for assistance is for them to request that you schedule a consultation in their law firm. During the initial meeting with the personal injury lawyer, they’ll discuss the details of the case with you. They’ll conduct careful analysis and develop an estimate regarding the compensation you could obtain from the claim once it’s created.

It’s essential that you understand that insurance companies have it in their best interest to settle for the lowest amount possible, rather than what is equitable for the claimant. It’s believed by some injured parties that insurances companies will pay out equitably, but this is not the case, and it’s in your best interest to accept a higher settlement.

How is Hiring an Attorney Beneficial?

Attorneys specializing in personal injury law will work directly with insurance companies and create an insurance defense case to ensure that every claim they handle is done so fairly. While doing so, they’ll ensure your legal rights have representation while ensuring none of your other rights are violated. Following an injury, resting and recuperating should be your primary concern.

The last thing you should have to worry about is dealing with the stress associated with an insurance claim. Under some circumstances, insurance companies will unfairly deny a claim, and this could cause severe stress that could be avoided if an attorney represents you. With such representation, your lawyer could fight to receive a higher settlement than you expected to receive.

How Soon Should Consulting with an Attorney Occur?

Under some circumstances, some individuals wait until after they’ve experienced issues with their claim before consulting with a personal injury attorney in their law firm. For example, they may schedule a consultation after they’ve received a denial on their claim or they believe the settlement they’re going to receive is too low.

Some may believe this is the better way to handle their situation, but it may be best to consult with an attorney as soon as the injury or car accident occurs. It’s critical for you to understand that if a denial happens or issues with an unfair settlement come up, the process will extend. If this happens, then that means it will take longer for you to receive funds to replace lost wages, pay for repairs, and pay for medical bills.

Final Thoughts

For those who have been involved in a personal injury event or a car accident, it’s a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney immediately. During serious circumstances such as these, it’s best to ensure that you have the best representation, so your legal rights have protection throughout the entire process. Otherwise, you may not receive the benefits you deserve, or you may not be treated fairly when you file your claim. Or worse, your insurance claim could be denied altogether. It’s situations like these that your personal injury lawyer will help you mitigate, so the result is equitable.

If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury The Gorospe Law Group personal injury law firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma can assist you to help you claim the compensation you deserve.

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